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My name is Thea and you can usually pick me out of a crowd. I’m the one wearing something along the lines of: puffy sleeves, a tulle skirt, leather jacket and over the knee socks. I grew up in New York City, where you see a lot of crazy people wearing a lot of crazy things. I am one of those people. I am not ashamed to admit that. 


However, as I have gotten older I have become more interested in, and conscientious of, where my clothes are coming from; how they are made, by who, and what cultures and designs they are inspired by. I began to conduct my own research and was shocked at what I found. 


I created The New Silk Road to share my learning and empower consumers to make informed choices when it comes to fashion. With my Textile Project, I hope to either identify or create the most sustainable fabric in the world. Follow me on this journey! 

Thea Hwang

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