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  • Writer's pictureThea Hwang

To Be Consumed

This year, I choreographed a solo that I performed at my school’s annual dance concert in May. The concert is organized around a theme every year, and this year it was water.

Water is a big part of textile sustainability because many materials that we use, such as cotton, require a lot of water to grow. The fashion industry also frequently pollutes local water systems with dyes, pesticides and other chemicals.

My piece is about a world that gets destroyed. In line with the dance's underlying message of sustainability, I wore an oversized black shirt which I already owned. A friend created projections for the beginning of my solo, showing flowers, clouds, and stars, in sync with the lyrics of "What a Wonderful World". (Thank you, Skai, for your beautiful illuminations!) Then rain falls, harder and harder. . .lighting flashes. . .and it seems that our wonderful world may be under water.


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